Sunday, May 17, 2020

5 Reasons Why Companies Should Outsource Their Recruitment

5 Reasons Why Companies Should Outsource Their Recruitment Recruiting a new member of staff can be a time consuming task and hiring decisions shouldnt be taken lightly. You need to think realistically whether your team have the time an expertise to find the best individual to join your business. If the answer is no, then you may want to consider outsourcing your recruitment. After all,  it is a recruiters job to find the best candidate available, so they will be equipped with the experience and resources to fill the position quickly and efficiently. If youre not sure about whether you should outsource your recruitment or not, here are a few reasons it could benefit you. 1) Focus can remain on business Taking time out to focus on recruiting new employees can result in neglecting your usual job, that could be important to the running of the company. By outsourcing your recruitment, you can leave the job  to the recruiter while you attend to your usual business. 2) Improve the quality of hires You may find that you have trouble finding and recruiting  qualified candidates by yourself and this isnt necessarily a reflection of your company or the salary being offered, and rather an indication that you arent searching in the right place. Recruiters are experts at seeking out  the best  candidates on the market. They know where to look, what qualities to look for in an individual and how best to approach  people about a job; making them qualified to  speed up the process and improve the quality of hires. 3) Reduce costs Hiring can be expensive. From the labour required, to posting ads on job boards and conducting background screening, the costs can really mount up quickly. By using a recruitment agency the cost is all rolled into one, so could reduce spending in the long run. Outsourcing recruitment can also save staffing costs of an in-house recruitment team, as well as reducing the chance of losing money to a bad hire. 4) Keep up with demand Fast  growing companies may find it hard to keep up with the recruitment needs and demands that they are facing, as they dont have the time and resources to manage it in house. Recruitment agencies will be better qualified for handling a high volume of roles at one time, as well as having the advantage of being able to dedicate all of their time to it, rather than juggling it alongside other duties. 5) Reduce turnover rate A poorly run recruitment process could be to blame for a high turnover rate which can have financial  implications for a business, as well a disruptions to productivity and ongoing projects. A high turnover may not necessarily be a reflection on your company in general, as it may just indicate that candidates just arent a very good fit for the company, would could come as a result of a poor recruitment process. Recruiters are  well practiced in assessing what kind of people will be suitable for a certain role and the company culture, so could assist in placing individuals who are better suited to the business and will stay in the job for longer. [Image Credit: Shutterstock]

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